How To Tell a Ferrous From a Nonferrous Metal
When It Comes To Scrap, Metal Matters
When you think of metal, you think of iron, or steel, maybe copper. But you may not know that all metals fall into one of two categories: Ferrous or Non-Ferrous. So what’s the difference? We’ve got you covered.

Ferrous metals all contain iron, and most have magnetic properties. They include steel and the various types of iron from wrought to light. Vehicles that get scrapped are generally largely made of ferrous metals. But while more plentiful and more common, you may not know that non-ferrous metals fetch a higher price when you scrap or recycle them.

And what metals are considered non-ferrous? Lead, copper, aluminum, tin and brass for starters. And again, while not usually in as wide a supply as their ferrous cousins, they will yield you a higher average price per ounce. Non-ferrous metals are also significantly more durable. While ferrous metals are prone to decomposition, non-ferrous metals are incredibly hearty – which is why they are easier and more valuable to recycle.

If you are wondering what your scrap metal is worth and if it’s still worth recycling, head over to to find our nearest location or get the latest prices for your ferrous and non-ferrous metals.